Wednesday, March 9, 2011


I'm still working on the same project as last Wednesday. You may recall this section. I said it would likely change and sure enough, it did!

It's a big picture and I will likely be at it a while. Here are a few completed sections and one figure that is incomplete but might give you an idea about how I work (for anyone who cares about that sort of thing).

I've been here and there. I've drawn a lot of pictures. I've written a bit, too. I'm not good at this self-promotion thing. Look, you want to know about me? just visit these websites. Okay?


 Damon Orrell said...

What is the piece for? It's look great and I really like the detail on the sword :)

M. D. Jackson said...

It's actually for Joel at PulpWorks Press. This will probably be the last time I post anything on this particular piece until it is done. I'd like Joel to see it and approve it before I post any final images. I've shown this much of the WIP so far, particularly the larger figures, because much of it will be obscured in the final piece.

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