Thursday, February 28, 2013


Here`s another science fiction image. It`s a beauty, isn't it? Who wouldn't want this image helping to sell their science fiction e-novel?

$75 bucks gets you the high resolution file and exclusive rights to use it as the cover for your e-book, paperback hardcover, what-have-you. Do you have a book that this cover will fit? If needed I can make adjustments to suit (for a fee).

Or maybe you want to write a novel that will fit the cover? Go ahead. Then you can buy the cover.

If you are interested you can email me at:

mikenfran3 (at) hotmail (dot) com

Or just leave a comment and a way for me to get in touch with you.

The cover sale ends tomorrow!

I've been here and there. I've drawn a lot of pictures. I've written a bit, too. I'm not good at this self-promotion thing. Look, you want to know about me? just visit these websites. Okay?

1 comment:

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I hope you're getting lots of offers to buy -- the price is terrific!

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