Monday, July 18, 2011


I've been here and there. I've drawn a lot of pictures. I've written a bit, too. I'm not good at this self-promotion thing. Look, you want to know about me? just visit these websites. Okay?


Kal said...

Black or red undies with superhero outfits...that's the rule around here.

M. D. Jackson said...

The wrong colour underwear? How embarrassing! Why that would be enough to get me thrown out of the superhero illustration guild.

But wait! Did I draw this picture? Why no! Look closely. It`s signed with a psuedony... uh... that is... I didn`t do this picture.

This cheeky bit of sexist nonsense was drawn by someone named... let me see... J. Dekim... Who could that be. I wonder? I have no clue. Never heard of him.

I would never make such a silly mistake. Uh huh. Not me.

Kal said...

Okay...keep to your story. I think that is best at this point. But know I am onto you and your addition of what they call a 'camel toe' on said superpowered looking street walker. Now I am not one to judge but I have a certain readership that would not approve of your blatant use of smut...yes I said it, SMUT. Your talent forces me to look at that part of the image my eyes should be avoiding....lest I burn for all eternity for the wicked thoughts I might have. I know of the harlets you illustrate and how they affect me. Yes, the devil is the master you serve, sir.

(This short skit has been brought to you by the 'Cave of Cool Players'. 'Cave of Cool Inc.' neither endorses nor defends the opinions expressed in this piece)

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